by shaun lawton
Here we are amidst a vast recalibration
shifting throughout the major complex
of interconnecting networks that have
so gradually evolved over time together
there remain a countless variety of conjoined
aspects, some of which take on a new life
of their own while others calcify or petrify
into corroded husks and are sloughed off
like an industrial snakeskin left to rust in the sun.
The atomic radiation from the center
of our solar system continues to flare on
every day the living empire of Earth survives.
The dominant species marauding the surface
and skimming over the taut rippling skin
of the oceans like a particularly vulnerable
sort of water spider continues to both subvert
and improve upon its mistakes and achievements
as if surfing a churning continuum of chaotic
opportunity and chance filled with too many risks
to successfully manage.
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