Friday, August 16, 2024

i loko manawa

 it's a window's peek 
into the mechanistic
mind where shadows
leak into the background
behind lurking in your
memories haunting 
all the time the way
you frame it in words
that I heard from across
what seems to be space
but was actually 
just happening 
beside me in time

Saturday, January 14, 2023

The Drone Eye


  The card we pulled was a free all expenses 
paid trip to the city of silicon and mica chips.
 In a constant state of surveillance as were we all. 

Each subsector holiday the Overdrone
 randomly issued winning cards to thirty million 
lucky individuals. The manner of selection

was truly mechanistic and without 
any prioritizing human influence. 
  When the Machine Singularity coopted 

the government and rerouted food package deliveries
 entire subsectors of the populace became 
better fed after a matter of weeks. 

   Along with that came a whole host 
of unexpected benefits and rewards for a humanity 
that had long ago given up on feeling that it 

deserved them. So the bonus checks and commodities 
were distributed evenly in the name of public charity.  

Sunday, June 5, 2022


Deep in the craquelure 
of our planet's ocean
Entrenched under crevices
 and caverns impenetrable
By man for any concerted 
mapping of what lay underneath.
In malacological terms or any 
other that lay out of reach
Decapodiformes dwelled 
in gelatinous puddles
Ensconced within one 
another in a series 
of nesting embraces
Dreaming of the day 
they could escape 
One another in 
a slurry of newly
formed faces

Friday, February 11, 2022

When Late The Book Reads You

a beginning

It was when the twiledge 
started talking back that 
I began to first suspect

That I was not a mental reject
just crazy and not the normal 
crazy we're all clocking in at

Lorden it's obvious our existence
alone is fun and mentally wack

But when my own knife glints at me
from a shadow in the alleyway 
I'm treading I need to know
is it street or moon lamp
light it's shedding

Easily I see best by starlight
Revealer of the smallest details

I thought I caught a hushed slip
from my angled dagger's tip
as I raced head slung low and long
through the night wind

The haft held tight in my right hand's grip
as twilight across the tilted edge licked
was the same temperature as my hand

Suddenly I was reminded of
the missive to grip tight stay taut
and not dismiss immediateness

We are at our most focused
when someone makes a target of us
I thought boy was I wrong

Struck on the temple
glancing bright warmth
gushing, I spun Sunward

Towering over my shadow
seven times longer than me
and wiped away the blood
streaming below my eyes

a continuation

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Penny Eyed Snakes

 I just let my own time
 spent on the internet 
be my cryptocurrency

We trade and deal with 
a lot of commodities here 

we can all see the waves 
of creativity emerge 
from the same sea   
for us to hang ten 

curling in on another  
wave crashing into 
the cosmocracy

Lucky for us one 
day in the slipstream

The friendliest leaders 
got together and tricked 
everyone into liking each
other's enemies from a distance

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Time and Tides


ground in between
from points first
   left unfurling
 across the span
of leaves curling
 a wooden hand
  beckons onward
with the sands
windswept for
  ever and ever
 rinsed and brushed
clean as rain and
 kneeling down
  for another star
cluster of colonies
to expand within
  in order for us to
   see with our own
 out-cupped ears
and listen for
  the hidden scent
 of enemies out
 shown in the air
 necessary to then
become engaged
 with friends of old
  from another age
 that bleeds into
this one breaking
  into its new dawns
 on the rocks here
being crushed
 slowly by the sea

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Go Walk In

In   dark corrosion
of malformed memories
whose echoes   haunt us 
in the night &  the rafters
have been chilled

with the wind's own bite
can we know what
it's like to be so filled
with fright  that our own
will stops working

and we proceed as if
possessed when lying
in bed on our backs

frozen stiff with a slow
 creeping fear when you
 hear rustling  in the eaves

as the others get undressed
in the disappearing
  moon  light

moving across the floor
tiles of the room  swallowed
under a rising tide of swirling ink

and just when you think
we're   at our most vulnerable
the window slides up

inviting the dark of outer
space inside the gates unlock
in the pitch black of night

letting blurred shades
in to our world unseen
and unwhispered down halls

of schools homes churches
cars beds and living rooms
as we're getting dressed