Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Go Walk In

In   dark corrosion
of malformed memories
whose echoes   haunt us 
in the night &  the rafters
have been chilled

with the wind's own bite
can we know what
it's like to be so filled
with fright  that our own
will stops working

and we proceed as if
possessed when lying
in bed on our backs

frozen stiff with a slow
 creeping fear when you
 hear rustling  in the eaves

as the others get undressed
in the disappearing
  moon  light

moving across the floor
tiles of the room  swallowed
under a rising tide of swirling ink

and just when you think
we're   at our most vulnerable
the window slides up

inviting the dark of outer
space inside the gates unlock
in the pitch black of night

letting blurred shades
in to our world unseen
and unwhispered down halls

of schools homes churches
cars beds and living rooms
as we're getting dressed