by shaun lawton
a beginning
It was when the twiledge
started talking back that
I began to first suspect
That I was not a mental reject
just crazy and not the normal
crazy we're all clocking in at
Lorden it's obvious our existence
alone is fun and mentally wack
But when my own knife glints at me
from a shadow in the alleyway
I'm treading I need to know
is it street or moon lamp
is it street or moon lamp
light it's shedding
Easily I see best by starlight
Revealer of the smallest details
Easily I see best by starlight
Revealer of the smallest details
I thought I caught a hushed slip
from my angled dagger's tip
as I raced head slung low and long
through the night wind
The haft held tight in my right hand's grip
as twilight across the tilted edge licked
was the same temperature as my hand
Suddenly I was reminded of
the missive to grip tight stay taut
and not dismiss immediateness
We are at our most focused
when someone makes a target of us
I thought boy was I wrong
Struck on the temple
glancing bright warmth
gushing, I spun Sunward
Towering over my shadow
seven times longer than me
and wiped away the blood
streaming below my eyes
a continuation